As Hippocrates said "good health begins with what we eat"
As for us, even for the 4 legs, health and well-being are the product of a healthy diet.
In our selection you will find foods that respect their food characteristics to offer a healthy and balanced diet, as close as possible to what the nature of carnivores requires. Unlike herbivores and ruminants, carnivores have a shorter digestive system, optimal for digesting meat and not cereals. In fact, wheat and corn are almost always present in dog and cat food for their low cost compared to meat and fish, not considering that cereals are the main culprits of problems such as obesity, allergies and digestive problems.
Petvago therefore sought feed:
- without cereals (grain free) with other carbohydrate sources such as potatoes
- with non-traditional cereals (low grain) such as spelled and oats consisting of a low glycemic index and more assimilated
Feeding a dog or a cat with wrong food is the main cause of diseases and health problems because we give them a diet that goes against their biological nature, because rich in carbohydrates, low in protein and contaminated with chemical supplements.
We offer food Biologically appropriate to the dog and the cat because:
The dog is an adapted carnivore, that is, during the domestication has adapted slightly to digest carbohydrates but not totally, it shows the fact that it lacks salivary amylase, an enzyme that serves for the digestion of carbohydrates, and other digestive enzymes able to degrade starches. So the dog, as a good carnivore, has first of all, animal proteins. If it is true that we do not have to save on protein intake, it is also very important to preserve renal and hepatic function by administering proteins of high biological value rich in essential amino acids that we find in products of animal origin such as meat and fish.
The cat, on the other hand, is an obliged carnivore, even if tamed like the dog, has maintained its anatomical and physiological characteristics. The obliged carnivore is an animal that is obliged to eat a large amount of animal protein. Their organism is designed to obtain amino acids from proteins of animal and non-vegetable origin. One of the nutrients that the cat can not absolutely do without, on pain of death, is taurine, an essential amino acid found only in the flesh and the deficiencies can lead to permanent damage. In their natural environment cats do not consume carbohydrates other than those found in the entrails of the animals they catch, so a very low percentage, they eat a lot of meat and need a moderate level of fat.